Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book a band for your next house party

Thanks to KCRW, Los Angeles I came across a website that will help you book a band for your event. Or, conversely if you are a musician looking to play a gig somewhere you can do that ("unplugged"). The website is full of singer-songwriters who've recorded an EP on their computer- they could use a few piano players, but the concept is stellar!

Concerts in your Home makes it easy to search for a band you would like to match with a party by searching keywords or browsing pictures.
I came across one or two "Top Artists" worth listening to- but their search engine could be better. Paul Manousos was pretty cool- I was in a Tom Petty mood that day, though.
Cee Cee James sings the blues with great feeling and types in a lot of 'quotation' marks.

Artists can't afford to tour with a full band anymore... websites like this give touring opportunities to troubadours to book a tour.

1 comment:

  1. The Link doesn't work! Sounds good though, sign us up! ( Glad you're writing again :)
