Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009


I have neglected you, dear blog. It's a terrible habit, my only excuse is that I just moved to San Francisco! I am still attempting to get a feel for the music scene in the area, so I'm going to make up for lost time by sharing this music video by Oren Lavie, Her Morning Elegance. It was just nominated for a Grammy, I think you can see why.

The songwriter, Oren Lavie, is an Israeli Director who "enjoys squeezing big worlds into small spaces." His unique way of doing that on a bed may well earn him a Grammy... I just hope he stays around long enough to make one of his other songs into a video. Judging by his myspace, Oren is currently in Los Angeles playing at Hotel Cafe.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I didn't notice you posted it AND YOU!
